
All three vaccines available in the U.S. use aborted fetal cells to test their product.
Our bodies are also made in the image of God. There is indeed great glory to our bodies, and especially our faces. In fact, there is nothing else more glorious in all of creation.
Much of the racial divide in this country is related to an incorrect interpretation of the verses on slavery.
“Now you might have a guess as to why BLM does not have tight ties to the Black Protestant Church,” he noted, “when it’s cofounders are deeply involved with religious traditions that have connections to things like Voodoo.”
For most people who think overpopulation is valid, the issue is a genuine concern over sustainability, resources, and the ability for billions of people to live with safety and health on a small planet. But the concern is simply not warranted.
On page 52, it calls for “progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility.” Their 1988 Annual Report cites a large grant given to India for “a large anti-fertility vaccine for women.”
But even ten years ago, I had an inkling this documentation might disappear, so I took screenshots of all the information. The files are still in my possession.
Bill’s great-grandfather on his mother’s side, J. W. Maxwell, founded Seattle’s National City Bank in 1906. He was “the director Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Seattle Branch.” His fortune left little Bill a trust fund worth millions in today’s dollars. Bill is an elitist. His father, William Gates, Sr., is actually William the Third, but, for some unknown reason, he changed his name to Junior. So, the billionaire Bill Gates, who was a multimillionaire at birth, is actually William Henry Gates IV
was struck by the similarities of young Lincoln’s lifestyle and that of my own ancestors. Abe was a contemporary of my fourth great grandfather William Arnold, who also lived an austere lifestyle in both Kentucky and Indiana.
Martino earned his first 15 minutes of fame for a sign at the GOP convention in Atlanta that said, “God is a Republican.” A few weeks later, he held a sign at the Democrat Convention in New Orleans: “AIDS is a Cure, Not a Disease,” . . . But he lost all credibility in 1992 when he admitted to 45 homosexual encounters the previous two years.
Let me share at least three insights I've stumbled across over the years that may increase your craft and confidence and perhaps move you closer to the finish line.
San Francisco has a different and multilayered attachment to my heart. The bay area is probably the most beautiful piece of geography I have ever observed
I decided I would celebrate the Christmas season the really old-fashioned way this year by praying it in several times a day at a monastery. I had one other agenda item: deciding whether or not to ask Dottie to marry me.
1. Orthodoxy provides the only valid reason to follow their authority.
2. The Orthodox do what the early church did.
3. You can enjoy apostolic tradition without being Catholic.
4. Sound, sane morality is preserved.
5. Orthodox leaders have cool beards like hipsters …
The Orlando nighclub shooting: did it happen as advertised by the media … or not? I am always suspicious—and I will talk more about that—but either way, all of us are talking about Orlando. And that is where we get defeated. But there is a way to victory. Who sets the agenda?
Tolkien and Lewis came to believe that this enchanted view of our world is much closer to reality than modern man’s sterile, “natural” view of nature.
When Hillary Clinton’s lover, lawyer, and best friend was found dead by gunshot in D.C in 1993 as White House Counsel, it was the highest suspicious death of a government official since JFK.
Rex Tillerson must be a villain. Trump’s pick for Secretary of State received in 2012 Russia’s “Order of Friendship” Award from Vladimir Putin himself.
The former Exxon CEO joins, among many others, such Friend of Vlad Award villains as the Canadian Prime Minister, the head of the European Jewish Congress, two astronauts, a figure skater, and Lebron James’s basketball coach.
What is the argument for this position? Does the Bible say it is Russia?
“Your church gave you a beer for Father’s Day?” asked a lady sitting next to us.“Sure did,” I replied while she shook her head in bewilderment.
From the front of the bus the driver shouted in a country accent. “Your pastor gave you a beer?” I answered in the affirmative, leaving him also nonplussed. He brought it up again as we left the shuttle, very confused by the entire concept.
The world’s largest movement of communes began in Chattanooga. Is it good, bad, or slavery?
Dad was six-foot-four, looming, a former basketball player at a major college. I’m not quite six feet. Dad was an authoritarian, an alpha male, large and in charge, with an unpredictable temper.
According to the obit, he arrived at Grace Church in 1966, the same year I did. I am suspicious of this. Jim Jones has always been in Roanoke, since its founding, and he has always been at Grace Church, since the beginning of time. At least in my mind.
Kavanaugh served as a prosecutor for the investigation of the 1993 death of White House Counsel Vince Foster, a close associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton. [1] Kavanaugh was one of the prosecutors who took over when lead prosecutor Miguel Rodriguez resigned in disgust after his aggressive probe was blocked by the Office of Independent Counsel.